pool information
pool hours: 9 am - 9 pm daily
Clubhouse Pool
East Pool
Hot Tub
Pool Use
The safety and enjoyment of the owners, dependents and guests are of primary concern in the operation of the pool and pool facilities. Your cooperation with the rules and considerate and safe use of the pool facilities will foster an enjoyable environment for everyone. In order to use the pool and other amenities.
Guest are the responsibility of the owner.
1. The pool area is for the use and enjoyment of owners that live on site, dependents, limited guests and renters, only 2 guest per Unit is owed at the pool. Guest must be accompanied by a registered resident of the unit at all times while using the amenity.
Children under the age of 16, must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
2. Use of the pool deck and swimming are permitted only during hours as posted at the pool area.
3. The use of the swimming pool and adjacent pool deck are at the user’s own risk at all times. No lifeguard is present.
4. Infant children must little swimmers or rubber pants when in pools. No diapers are permitted. Children that are not potty trained are not permitted in the pool unless they are wearing properly fitting rubber pants or "little swimmers". Hygienic and economic reasons require very strict enforcement of this policy.
5. The maximum pool depth is five 3-6 feet. Diving is absolutely prohibited at all times. No jumping into the pool from running starts.
6. Glass containers or any glass products are not permitted in the pool area at any time. Violation of this no-glassware policy shall result in a fine being assessed against the owner(s) of the unit, regardless of whether the violator is an owner, family member or guest of the owner or renter.
7. No pets are allowed in the pool or pool areas at any time.
8. Running, noisy or hazardous activity or excessive splashing will not be permitted in the pool area at any time
9. The use of floats, balls, etc. which are inconsiderate, offensive, or which interfere with the peaceful enjoyment and safety of others, as determined by management, is prohibited. For example, floats designed for multiple individuals are not allowed.
10. Areas, used during your visit, must be left clean by properly disposing of paper goods, trash, cans, etc. Please place all trash in provided containers.
11. The use of the pool area shall be in a considerate and respectful manner. As such, the volume of radios, recorders, CDs shall be kept at a low level at all times. Management may require headphones, as it deems necessary to control the volume or nature of the material being broadcast which may interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of others.
12. Play of any kind that might involve an unacceptable element of risk or harm to oneself or to others is prohibited.
13. Pool furniture must not be removed from the pool deck.
14. As a matter of courtesy to others, swimmers and sunbathers should not reserve lounges, tables or chairs.
15. All bathers must be appropriately attired in garments designed specifically as swim wear. No jeans, cut-offs, tank tops, etc., are permitted in the pool.
16. In the event of a lightning storm, owners and guests must vacate the pool for their own safety.
17. Life-saving equipment is located along the perimeter of the pool area.
18. Use of the pool area for private functions is not permitted at any time!
19. Pools require proper maintenance. As such, management will close the pool for cleaning and maintenance as necessary.
20. SC Regulation 61-51 requires the following rules with respect to the pool:
No solo swimming is permitted.
No running.
No boisterous or rough play.
No person under the influence of alcohol or drugs should use the pool.
No spitting or blowing nose in the pool.
No persons with communicable disease allowed in the pool.
No persons with skin, eye, ear or nasal infections allowed in the pool.
No animals or pets allowed in the pool.
No glass allowed in the pool or on the pool deck.
No children less than 16 years old are allowed in the pool without parental supervision.
You should take a shower before entering the pool.
The maximum number of swimmers allowed in the west pool located near the office is (26) people at one time.
The maximum number of swimmers allowed in the east pool located by the back gates is (16) people at one time
Smoking is prohibited in the pool areas. Repeated violations of this rule will result in fines.